Sunday, June 21, 2009

sayings that maketh a man and give you spiritual strenght from the mind and hearts of great men and women.this is my wall of hapiness a place i visit when i need to boost my spirit or get some encouragement.You to can boost your spirit or find your key to success. Just tell someone about the blog(be sure to include the link) and see the difference in yourself.

How to develop commitment

1. Realize it usually begin with a struggle.

2. Understand that it it has nothing to do with talent or ability.

3.Recognize that it's nat a matter of conditions but of choice.

4. Start with the little things

5. Settle moral issues before you're confronted

6. Trust in god.

"Nothing is intersting if you not interested" Helen Macinness

"A winner knows how much he still has to learn, even when he is considered an expert by others. A loser wants to be considered an expert by others, before he has learned enough to know how little he knows" Sydney Harris

"To be fond of learning is to be near knowledge" Tze-Sze

"Live to learn, and you will really learn to live" John C . Maxwell

"To succeed, jump as quicly at opportunites as you do at conclusions" Benjamin Franklin

"Cause something to happen" Paul"bear" Bryant

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Abraham Lincoln

"The people that get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want , and if they cant find them , make them"George Bernard Shaw

"Resolved , never to do antthing which i should be afraid to dod if it were the last hour of my life" Jonathan Edwars

"Yesterday is history , Tommorow is a mystery . And today? Today is a gift . That is why they call it the present" Eleanor Roosevelt

"Its wonderful what we can do if we're alawys doing" George Washington

Get out of your rut. Take these steps :

1. Accept resposibility for your own life.

2. Know were you want to be.

3.Divide your dream into managable parts.

4. Get going.

Dont hope for inspiration . Create your own incentive to change.Dont wait-create the iniative you need for your success.

"Success is not the result of sportaneuous combustion.You must first set your self on fire." Reggie Leach

"When the heat is on afire, some sparks will fly out the mouth" Thomas Fuller

"if you love what you do you will never work another day in your life." Confucious

"vision does not ignite growth, passion does. Passion fuels vision and vision is the focus of the power of passion.Leaders who are passionate about their call create vision." Ken Hemphill

The power of passion
1. Passion is the first step to achievement.
2.Passion increases willpower.
3.Passion changes lives
4.Passion change me.
5.Passion make impossibilities possible.

"Greatness , in the last analysis , is largely bravery.Courage is escaping from old ideas and old standards and respectable ways of doing things." James Harvey Robinson

"Genuis is talent set on fire by courage" Hendry van Dyke.

"Courage is resistance to fear.-mastery of fear-not absence of fear" Mark Twain

"It is not because things are difficult that we dont dare;it is because we don't dare that thing are difficult."Seneca

"Courage is a special kind of knowledge; the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared,and how not to fear what ought not to be feared.From this knowledge comes inner strength that subconsciously inspires us to push on in the face of great difficulty.What can seem impossible is often posiible, with courage"David Ben Gurion

"Courage is often nothing more than the power to let go of the familiar" John C. Maxwell

"Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at its point." C.S.Lewis

"Succes is never final,Failure is never fatal,It's courage that counts" Winston Churchill

"Fortune befriends the bold" John Dryen

"He who looses wealth loses much;he who loses friends loses more;he who loses his courage loses all." MIGUEL DE CERVANTES

"The price of greatness is responsibility" Winston Churchill

"The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there is one other choice" Doug Larson

"when you do what you can , God will do what you can't"

"Fear not those who argue , but those who dodge" marie ebner-eschenbach

"Suceess on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility... in the final analysis , the one quality that all sucessfull people have... is the ability to take reponsibility." Michael Korda

"You cannot escape the reposibility of tommorow by evading today" Abraham Lincoln

"Today reposibility is often meant to denote duty,something imposed upon another from outside . But responsibility , in its true sense, is an entirely voluntary act; it is my reponses to the needs; expressed or unexpressed, of another human being" Erich Fromm

"Whatever you do today , do it better tommorow." Robert Schuller

"I am willing to put myself through anything; temporary pain or discomfort means nothing to me as long as i can see that the experience will take me to a new level. I am interested in the unknown, and the only path to the unknown s through breaking barriers, an often painful process."
Diana Nyad

"Your life begins to change when you change something you do every day." John C. Maxwell

"Conflict plus love equals growth" Westy ergmont

thy hand
findeth to
do, do it
with all thy

"You've got to continue to grow or you just like last nights cornbread - stale and dry." Loretta Lynn

The thing always
happens that you
really believe in; and
the belief in a thing
makes it happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright

Look at the word responsibility –
‘response-ability’ – the ability to
choose your response. Highly
proactive people recognize that
responsibility. They do not
blame circumstances,
conditions, or conditioning for
their behavior. Their behavior
is a product of their own
conscious choice …
Stephen Covey

When life gives you
lemons, make
lemonade and then
sell it to all of those
who get thirsty from
Napoleon Hill

There is no greater force on
this earth than a man with a

without aim or
purpose, is the
first cause of
Napoleon Hill

A winner is someone
who recognizes his
God-given talents,
works his tail off to
develop them into skills,
and uses these skills to
accomplish his goals.
Larry Bird

A good character is, in all cases,
the fruit of personal exertion. It is
not inherited from parents; it is
not created by external
advantages; it is no necessary
appendage of birth, wealth,
talents, or station; but it is the
result of one’s own endeavors –
the fruit and reward of good
principles manifested in a course
of virtuous and honorable action.
J. Hawes

If you have a
definite purpose in
life, the word
impossible can be
struck from your
vocabulary – for it
has become a word
without a meaning.

Waste not –
Want not.
Ben Franklin

I know that there is
nothing better for
man than to rejoice
and to do good in
one’s lifetime,
moreover, that every
man who eats and
drinks sees good in
all his labor – it is the
gift of God.
King Solomon

The best
preparation for
the future is the
present well seen
to, and the last
duty done.
G. MacDonald

You must plan - but you
must not follow your
first plan; for no plan
was ever perfect when
first conceived, and so
if it were followed
without improvement, it
would guarantee a less
than perfect result.
Randy Gilbert

Happy are those who
knowing they are
subject to uncertain
changes, are prepared
and armed for either
fortune; a rare
principle, and with
much labor learned in
wisdom’s school.

It is impossible to solve
significant problems using
the same knowledge that
created them.
Albert Einstein

When you choose to
be happy and
successful, you will
find happiness and
success, but you
needn’t choose
negativism and
failure. It will find
you on its own.
Napoleon Hill

One of the
most difficult
things to do
in life is
think; that is
why so few
engage in it.
Henry Ford

For this is the
journey that men
make: to find
themselves. If they
fail in this, it
doesn’t matter
much what else
they find.
James Michener

People don’t
plan to fail,
they fail to
Old Adage

I don’t know the
key to success, but
the key to failure is
trying to please
Bill Cosby